Its a study matarials Zoology and Botany.Its become fresh and update in your life.Information of Tgt and Pgt (UP) see on official website
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Its a study matarials Zoology and Botany.Its become fresh and update in your life.Information of Tgt and Pgt (UP) see on official website
GENERAL: The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper.
Absorption of water
Importance of water:
. An excellent solvent.
. Acts as a reagent.
.It helps in the maintenance of the turgidity of the plant body.
.Temperature maintainance.
. Help in translocation of chemical substances.
. Water help in respiration.
. Reduction of carbon die oxide in photosynthesis, growth, absorptions of dissolve substances
Water molecule make hydrozen bonds.Hydrogen bonds define as a electrostatics attraction between the positively charged region of the molecule and the negatively charged region of a neighbouring one.
Amoeba cell
10. Trypanosoma gambiense =fatal disease the sleeping sickness.
11. T. brucei =African cattle and causes fatal disease called Nagana.
12. T.cruzi =Chagas disease.
Life cycle
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