Biology( tgt and pgt) |
Zoology Invertebrates |
General.1 |
Pramod arya |
1/1/2014 |
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Life cycle
1. FAA=formalin (40%)+glacial acetic acid+Ethyle alcohol(70%)
2. Conroy’s fluid=a glacial acetic acid (25%) +Absolute alcohol (75%).
3. Zenkers fluid=potassium dichromate + Mercuric chloride + sodium
sulphate + glacial acetic acid + water.
4. Hematoxylin used as nuclear stain.
5. Light green is a good plasma strain.
6. Fast green is good cytoplasmic stain.
7. Safranin is very used in brilliancy and permanency in balsam.
8. Leishman stain is good for the staining of protozoan’s.
Zoology(TGT and PGT)
A. Microscopes
B. Laboratory Reagents
C. Culture Methods and dissections
D. Preparation of slides
E. Phylum
1. Protozoa
2. Porifera
3. Coelenterates
4. Ctenophora
5. Platy helminthes(Nematodes)
6. Annelida
8. Arthropoda
9. Mollusca
10. Echinodermata
11. Hemichordata
F. Chromatography
G. Meiosis and Mitosis
Some talks
A. Amoeba-Culture method is two .
1. by fresh water.
2. by wheat grain and hay culture.
B. Euglena found in pond water. Pond water contains rich nitrogenous waste.
(A) Microscopes
2. Microscope=Gr., mikros = small, skopein = to see.
3. High Magnification and resolving power’s microscopes are useful.
4. Equation of Light microscope;
NA=numerical aperture of the objective lens
na= numerical aperture of the condenser
5. 20th century microscope is compound microscope.
6. Compound microscope contains magnification, 1x, 10x, 40x, and oil immersion.
7. X- rays microscope use in molecular DNA, haemoglobin and proteins.
8. Resolving power of electron microscope is 2,000angristom to 3,000ang.
Pk arya Copyright 2014